Germination is a process in which a seed develops into a new plant. Seed germination is an essential process in which scholars observed germinated seeds and had informative discussions among all. Students of Grade V performed experiments at home to contemplate how seeds sprout and then grow in a tiny sapling. Our young learners worked intelligently and creatively to make beautiful crafts to depict the different stages of seed germination. They expressed themselves in a positive, tangible, and meaningful way by presenting seed germination in a transparent jar. While discovering they made predictions, comparisons developed some new vocabulary, and most importantly marvelled at how miraculous the whole thing is. It was playful and the simplest way to provide hands-on experience to learn about seed germination.
International Tiger Day is celebrated annually on July 29 to spread awareness about the need to protect tigers which are an endangered species. Tigers have lost 90% of their natural habitat, and their world population is less than 4,000. Students of Presidium celebrated International Tigers day with great zeal and were excited to be a part of the assembly. The teachers briefed students about the importance of the day and how it is celebrated in various parts of the country. They were motivated to showcase their efforts in the drive to save tigers. Students participated in the special assembly with rhymes, speeches, slogan writing, poster making, etc. The young ones were also dressed up as Tigers and gave a heart-touching message to Save Tigers.
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July 26 is celebrated as Kargil Vijay Diwas every year to mark the successful culmination of 'Operation Vijay,' a splendid victory of the Indian Army after nearly three-month-long battles on the icy heights of Kargil with Pakistan. Presidians celebrated the 22nd anniversary of this glorious day in honour of soldiers, who fought this heroic battle and sacrificed their lives. A special assembly was conducted for the students of Grade 4 and 5 where they expressed their striking expressions through speeches, skits informed the audience about the significance of Kargil Diwas. They presented energetic dance performances, patriotic songs and filled the entire atmosphere with patriotism. One minute silence was observed to pay homage to the martyrs. The PowerPoint presentation by the teachers made the event informative and enlightening. A poster-making session for Kargil Vijay Diwas brought the event to an end.
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संस्कृत में ‘गुरु’ शब्द का अर्थ है ‘अंधकार को मिटाने वाला।’ गुरु साधक के अज्ञान को मिटाता है, साधक गुरु को अपना आभार अर्पित करते हैं और उनका आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करते हैं। गुरु पूर्णिमा का पर्व भारत में बड़ी ही श्रद्धा औ भक्तिभाव के साथ मनाया जाता है I इस दिन गुरुओं का सम्मान किया जाता है और उनका आशीर्वाद प्राप्त किया जाता है I गुरु के बिना ज्ञान की प्राप्ति नहीं होती है, ज्ञान ही हर प्रकार के अंधकार को दूर कर सकता है| इस दिन महाभारत के रचयिता महर्षि व्यास का जन्मदिन भी मनाया जाता है जिन्होंने गुरु शिष्य की परंपरा की शुरुआत कीI इसलिए इसे व्यास पूर्णिमा भी कहा जाता हैI इस दिन की महत्ता को समझाते हुए प्रिसिडियम स्कूल में गुरु पूर्णिमा का त्यौहार वड़े हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाया गया |शिष्यों ने अपनी शिक्षकों के प्रति अपना आभार एवं स्नेह व्यक्त करते हुए कई तरह के कविताओं , भाषण , वार्तालाप गतिविधि, पोस्टर इत्यादि द्वारा अपनी भावनाओं को पेश किया । विद्यार्थियों ने अपनी माताओं को भी आभार प्रकट किया, पहली गुरु होने के नाते । उन्होंने कई विख्यात गुरुओं के वचनों को , जैसे द्रोणाचार्य इत्यादि ,भी प्रस्तुत किया और उनके बारे में बताया । शिक्षकों के प्रति संवेदनशीलता का ज्ञान देते हुए यह वताया गया कि एक शिक्षक का किरदार इतना महान होता है कि वह अपने शिष्य की सफलता को देखकर खुद को सफल समझता है|
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Home is one's place of residence, and brings comfort and peace where animals can sleep and live peacefully. To imbibe our students with the fact that homes are very much important for even animals. The students acquired knowledge about the environment in which an animal lives (its habitat) and must provide water, food, shelter, and space. The students were acquainted with the fact that animal homes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The structure of an animal’s home depends on the type of animal, the environment it lives in, and what it needs to survive. Presidians of Grade 1 were engrossed in making different types of animal homes like a kennel, nest, den, etc, and learned the various purposes of their homes. Students of grade 1 enthusiastically took part in making different homes of animals and utilized their capabilities and creativity fully.
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Students of Grade IV learned about three degrees of Adjectives: positive, comparative, and superlative for which they have created fascinating and spectacular crafts. Students played games called "Comparatives Chain game, and My Family." For that, pupils first introduced themselves by describing qualities. They brainstorm and elicited some comparative adjectives about their family members such as older, younger, taller, shorter, funnier, etc. These activities are a great way to review family vocabulary while teaching comparatives and superlatives. Our confident scholars exhibited great enthusiasm while offering multiple instances for comparisons, which depicted their robust understanding of the same. These were entertaining activities for young Presidians to help them to comprehend degrees of comparison better.
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Learning is not about remembrance of conception; it’s about a pupil's acquaintance with the surroundings and how they apply their knowledge. To make our Presidians linked to the theme ‘Communication we organized an astonishing ‘Telephone Making Activity’ for grade 3. In this activity, students created a telephone using plastic glasses and thread. For creating a telephone they had to jab holes in the bottom of the glasses followed by inserting the thread through the holes and knotting them. They experienced the sound waves when they pulled the string straight and tried to hear their parents' sound from one end of the glass to another. It was truly an endowed experience for them as they learned about the history of communication through the telephone. The activity turned out to be exceptionally fruitful, and our students created their telephones passionately.
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On 18th July, the International Day of Nelson Mandela is celebrated in honor of Nelson Mandela. Mandela Day is an occasion for all to take action and inspire change. Nelson Mandela devoted his life to the service of humanity — as a human rights lawyer, a prisoner of conscience, an international peacemaker, and the first democratically elected president of a free South Africa and is referred to as Mahatma Gandhi of South Africa. To make our young Presidians aware of the legendary figure the day was observed with zeal, and students were sensitized towards global issues like equality, racism, human rights, dignity, and generosity, etc. Our striving Presidians were motivated to imbibe these traits in them. They presented Powerpoint Presentations of Mandela’s pictures from childhood to adulthood. They even discussed the contribution and achievements of Mandela and passionately shared the quotes given by him in the virtual assembly.
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किसी नई अवधारणा को समझाने हेतु बच्चों के पूर्व ज्ञान का पता लगाना आवश्यक है । यह भी ज़रूरी है की उनको अवधारणा के बारे में भूमिका बाँधी जाए । पूर्व पठन गतिविधि किसी भी विषय से पहले ली जाती है । ये गतिविधियां शिक्षिका को बच्चों के विषय ज्ञान से अवगत कराती है । गतिविधियों द्वारा शिक्षण - अधिगम की प्रक्रिया को रोचक और सरल बनाया जाता है । कक्षा प्रेप के छात्रों के साथ अक्षर 'क ' की पूर्व पठन गतिविधि ली गई जिसमें छात्रों से पक्षियों के बारे में पूछा गया । चर्चा में छात्रों ने बताया कि उन्होंने कौन कौन से पक्षी देखना है और उसकी पहचान कराई गई । इस गतिविधि से छात्रों के भाषा कौशल , श्रवण कौशल का विकास हुआ । उनके शुद्ध उच्चारण और एकाग्रता पर ध्यान दिया गया। छात्रों को अपने विचारों को अभिव्यक्त करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया गया । इस से उनके वाचन कौशल को भी बढ़ावा मिला । बच्चों ने पक्षियों के नाम जाने और उस पर बातचीत करी कि उन्होंने कौन से पक्षी कहाँ देखा है, उनके घर का आस पास कौन से पक्षी नज़र आते है, जैसे कौआ और कबूतर, इत्यादि ।विद्य
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