जब दो व्यंजन मिलकर बोले या लिखे जाते हैं उन्हें संयुक्त व्यंजन कहते हैं। इसमें पहले व्यंजन में स्वर नहीं होता जैसे क्ष, श्र, त्र, ज्ञ आदि। हमने प्रेसीडियम के छात्रों का संयुक्त व्यंजन से परिचय करवाया। और छात्रों ने अपनी समझ को दर्शाते हुए इन अक्षरों का अभ्यास किया व इन अक्षरों से शब्द बनाये। उन्होंने इन शब्दों को बड़ी ही सुंदरता के साथ प्रस्तुत किया। सभी छात्रों इन नए अक्षरों के नए रूप को समझते हुए बड़ा ही उत्साह दिखाया और उन्हें कक्षा में अलग अलग तरीके से प्रस्तुत किया। छात्रों को संयुक्त व्यंजन सिखाने का मुख्य उद्देश्य उन्हें इन शब्दों से परिचित कराना था ताकि वे उनका उपयोग कर सकें और शब्द बना सकें। इस गतिविधि के बाद, वे ऐसा करने में सक्षम थे। इन छात्रों में नया कुछ सीखने में उत्साह की कोई कमी नहीं होती और वह हर चुनौती को बड़ी ही सरलता के साथ स्वीकार कर उसे पूरा करते है।
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The fragment of the Moon that we can see from Earth on any given night is called the Moon's phase. In an attempt to incite curiosity amongst Presidians as to what causes the Moon phases and why the Moon emerges to be a different shape every night, a provocative activity was organized for our Grade 4 students. Based on the month-long research of the different phases of the Moon by our students, the activity helped the prying minds learn about the eight Phases of Moon, namely, New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent. Our aspiring young students showcase the different phases of the moon in a very creative manner. The students shared PPT Presentation also to depict the theme. Again one more theme imparted to our Presidian in a fun-filled Way. They also learned that the Moon doesn't emit light itself; the moonlight is the Sun's light reflected off the lunar surface.
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Children have always been fascinated by animals. Research shows that children are more interested in animals than toys, as the animals move and respond. Research also shows that humans’ innate interest in animals is biological: we are drawn to species that are “other” than humans and in many cases have an instinct to want to care for or nurture creatures that are small and vulnerable. The young minds of Presidium learned about animals and their young ones through presentations, stories, rhymes, and many activities. Apart from the common names of young ones such as a calf, cub, piglet, and duckling some uncommon names were introduced to enrich their knowledge about animal young ones such as fawn, kit, etc. a whole new world of wonder opened up for the students when they were learning about the young ones. They were enthusiastic and thrilled to answer the questions based on the topic. The evidence of learning was visible through posters and toys which were presented by the children with pride and enthusiasm.
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The Quit India movement or ‘August Kranti Andolan’ was launched in Mumbai on 8th August 1942, by Mahatma Gandhi, during World War II. The Movement was a crucial milestone that enabled India to gain its independence in 1947. The special assembly commenced on a pious note with a prayer and paid their respectful tribute to the freedom warriors for their sacrifice in the "Quit India Movement." Confident learners participated enthusiastically in the event and delivered their speeches on our brave freedom fighters followed by presentations of a documentary on "Gandhiji's Quit India Movement" and the evolution of India after Movement. Presidians paid homage to our freedom heroes by creating extraordinary posters with slogan writing and remembering their contribution to the freedom struggle. All the scholars took the pledge and promised to create an India that is strong, prosperous, and inclusive and to build a new India that our freedom fighters would be proud of. On the 79th anniversary of the historic Quit India Movement, pupils salute all the great women & men who took part in the Movement.
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It is fair to assume that the only way to sustain life is with water on earth. Water is a universal solvent. It is the most abundant compound on the earth’s surface. As water is ubiquitous and has many unique properties existing in the form of solids, liquids, and gases in nature. Presidians of Grade 2 were introduced to the basic properties of water namely taste, smell, color, mix/don’t mix and things that sink and float in water under the TBL Theme- ‘Water’. Young enthusiastic learners collected all the relevant material and experimented with mates virtually under the teacher’s assistance and recorded the observations to develop an understanding of the properties of water. Curious pupils comprehended the results and demonstrated the properties of water through pictures on charts, boards, and posters to enhance their learning.
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