Children have always been fascinated by animals. Research shows that children are more interested in animals than toys, as the animals move and respond. Research also shows that humans’ innate interest in animals is biological: we are drawn to species that are “other” than humans and in many cases have an instinct to want to care for or nurture creatures that are small and vulnerable. The young minds of Presidium learned about animals and their young ones through presentations, stories, rhymes, and many activities. Apart from the common names of young ones such as a calf, cub, piglet, and duckling some uncommon names were introduced to enrich their knowledge about animal young ones such as fawn, kit, etc. a whole new world of wonder opened up for the students when they were learning about the young ones. They were enthusiastic and thrilled to answer the questions based on the topic. The evidence of learning was visible through posters and toys which were presented by the children with pride and enthusiasm.