Patterns are an intrinsic part of our world which we find everywhere and all around us in nature, in art, in math, in music, etc. In mathematics, patterns are a set of numbers or objects arranged in a sequence such that they are related to each other in a specific rule. Learning to recognize, extend, identify and create designs is an essential skill that helps lay the foundation of advanced math skills and develops reasoning skills. Young Presidians of Grade-2 conducted activities related to patterns and gained hands-on experience with available concrete material at home. They learned the types of Patterns namely growing patterns, repetitive patterns, and shrinking patterns. They showcased their learning on objects such as playing cards, vegetables, fruits, cutlery, blocks, confectionery items, rangoli designs, leaves, candles, diyas, etc. By arranging these objects on their own they learned the vocabulary of names of patterns curiously and effortlessly. Students were actively involved with full enthusiasm and easily related the concept in the play-way method through immediate surroundings.
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भारत में कई प्रकार के ऋतु पाए जाते है जिनमें से एक है शीत ऋतु, इस ऋतु का आगमन नवंबर महीने से होता है और फरवरी से इसका धीरे-धीरे प्रस्थान होता है।भारत में देखे जाने वाली तीसरी ऋतु है शीत ऋतु जो की सर्दियों का मौसम होता है। सर्दियों में दिन छोटे और रातें बड़ी होती है और इसलिए प्रातकाल में अंधेरा काफी देर तक रहता है, जबकि शाम को अंधेरा जल्दी हो जाता है। सर्दी से बचाव के लिए लोग हाथों में दस्ताने, पैरों में मोजे और जूते पहनते है, बदन पर जैकेट, मुंह पर मफलर या मंकी कैप पहनकर सर्दी से खुद को बचाते है। सर्दियों में गरम खाने और चाय कॉफी पीने का काफी आनंद आता है।प्रेसिडियम कक्षा एक के छात्रों ने कविता सरदी आई सरदी आई पढ़ी व् सरदी में इस्तेमाल होने वाली चीजों से अपने अनुभव को जोड़ा । यह कविता करने से छात्रों को यह अनुभव हुआ की सरदी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कपड़ों के नाम हिंदी में क्या होता हैं जैसे रजाई, स्वेटर , टोपी आदि। छात्रों ने सरदी से जुडी चीज़ें अपने घर में ढूंढी और उन्हें बड़ी ही ख़ूबसूरती के साथ प्रस्तुत किया। यह कार्य करते हुआ छात्रों ने बड़े ही उत्साह के साथ इस कार्य में भाग लिया और अपनी समझ को दर्शाया।
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Diwali, the festival of lights is indeed the most awaited and the most celebrated festival of India. This wonderful festival is the celebration of the key rituals of the Diwali lighting of Diyas and candles all around the house, worshipping the Laxmi Ganesha to summon health and wealth and bursting crackers are the chief rituals of the festival. In addition to that, the exchange of heartfelt gifts during Diwali these days has become a mandatory part of the celebration. Also, a special and grand feast with delicious food that mandatorily includes different varieties of sweets is the special attraction of the occasion. They enthusiastically performed the puja, wore traditional clothes, delivered skits on green Diwali, and apprised about the hazardous effects of bursting crackers and polluting the environment, sang melodious songs and bhajans, delivered speeches and poems, executed graceful group dance performances, etc. They shared the significance of the festival and how good always conquers evil. Presidians made colourful rangolis, Diya crafts with wall hangings, elegant lanterns to illuminate and ignite the festival's essence with joy and fervor.
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Mathematics and Art are related in multiple ways. In Presidium, we enjoyed the artistic representations of angles created by students of Grade V. In this exciting creating art with Angles activity, young learners prepared their angles using simple materials like ice-cream sticks, origami sheets, match sticks, etc. They created their unique patterns while revising their learning of the different types of angles. Artistic learners loved the opportunity to get hands-on and express their creativity by designing colourful and attractive angles. Besides this, they were developing and revising their knowledge of different types of angles at the same time! Young artisans enjoyed measuring and identifying the different types of angles in a new and engaging way.
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Weaving is such a gorgeous mix of modern and traditional crafts; It’s full of soft textures and endless amounts of patterns. Students of Grade IV were involved in an activity in which they developed their loom by using cardboard and embarked into the exciting world of weaving with amazing patterns. Young learners created mats, coasters, wall hangings, friendship bands with the help of straws, paper- strips, colourful yarns, etc. It is one of those crafts that is so versatile and robust. Weaving is a fun and inexpensive activity that helps to develop a child’s fine motor skills. Allowing scholars to weave helps them to develop many skills, for instance, eye-hand coordination, and concentration, problem-solving. Besides this, weaving teaches pupils about recycling and reusing materials. It’s an incredible way for Presidians to get their feet wet with a weaving pattern as it impels their creativity and imagination.
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Vijayadashami, also known as Dussehra, Dasara, or Dashain, is a major Hindu festival celebrated at the end of Navaratri every year. Presidians virtually celebrated Dussehra with full gaiety and enthusiasm, the students gave spectacuSHAILar performances on the occasion. They described its meaning and how to control these emotions and to imbibe them in our lives to become better human beings. Presidians also observed the good qualities pursued by Ravana. The primary objective of the celebration was to inform the students that everyone must be able to defeat their inner evils. Young children presented speeches, melodious bhajans, and Navratri Dandiya and aarti with ardour. Students made crafts of Ravana and posters wishing Dussehra under the teacher’s guidance creatively. Besides the story of In Ramayana, the students were also made aware of the story of Goddess Durga killing demon Mahishasur for his evil deeds.
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