"Imagination is the beginning of creation, as it is the reality of the dreamer."
We, at Presidium, conducted an activity under the theme - Textile in TBL subject. Apropos to this virtual activity of "Designing my favorite dress" was organized for Grade III students. It was a channel to explore and encourage creativity in students and offer them a platform to show their skills. Our young Fashion Designers crafted incredible outfits using waste materials, newspapers, flower petals, leaves, food items, pencil shavings, paper-folding, etc. They exhibited great enthusiasm in adding features to their sketches and explained beautifully about their creativity. They have talent and imagination and can create art with just about anything, as they enjoyed each moment with glee, which gave them a sense of achievement and self-confidence in their ability to be inventive. Presidians participated earnestly in the activity, and their efforts were praiseworthy. It was a visual treat to see the young artist giving wings to their imagination.